Monday, December 13, 2010

Above is a video of me instructing the class on what they were to do and how they were to fill out the assessment sheet.

Assessment Dates

As you know we ran the assessment on the following dates:
-October 4, 2010
-November 8, 2010

The next two assessment dates are as follows but they are subject to change:
-April 11, 2010
-May 16, 2010

Reliability and Validity of test

This test reliability really does depend on the students and the effort that they put into it. If students give the same effort every time that they perform this test then yes the results will be reliable. However if the students give 110% one time and then only give 50 or 75% the next time then the results will not be reliable. I controlled reliabilty by motivating students to set goals and try and beat their previous scores. I also try to maintain comfortable conditions for the test so that the students are more willing to perform the test.
According to NASPE and the Cooper’s Institute the test is a valid measure of cardiovascular endurance.  It has been proven to provide an accurate estimate of VO2max. This test is intended for students age 13 and older since it hasn’t been validated with younger samples.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Improving in/out of the classroom:

-          Again walking on the track can not only be done in preparation but can also be done as a way to improve.  By increasing the distance your body gets used to it and can handle better. So that when you do run the mile your body is not in shock.  You could also walk on the treadmill if the weather is inclement.
-          In class we will add cardiovascular exercises to our daily routine. Another method you can try is by pushing yourself to run that extra lap or put in that extra effort and pretty soon it will no longer be extra but more routine.

Evaluation Criteria

The main source of evaluation will be the students VO2 max results. The equation that will be used for these calculations: VO2max = 132.853 - (0.0769 × Weight [lbs]) - (0.3877 × Age [yrs]) + (6.315 × Gender [F=0, M=1]) - (3.2649 × Time [00:00]) - (0.1565 × 15 sec Heart rate x 4 [bpm]). I will be using this website( to calculate the students VO2 max scores to make sure that my calculations were correct The students results when then  be evaluated and they will be placed in one of the following categories including: superior, excellent, good, fair and poor.   The students overall grade for the day will be based on the rubric that was given out in the beginning of the of the semester.

Preparation for Assessment:

Preparation for the assessment:
-we will be running the assessment either inside or outside.
If we run the assessment outside be prepared for 45-55 degree weather. A sweatshirt would be a good idea or a light jacket. You don’t necessarily want to bundle up too much because as your walking you will be get hot and start to sweat and then while you are waiting for your partner the sweat will just be sitting on your body and could cause you to get sick. So make sure that you are warm enough but again do not necessarily pack on the layers.  Also make sure that you are not restricted my your clothing.  You need to be able to move your arms and your legs freely.
If we are performing the assessment inside. The weather will not be a factor. Again you do not want to wear restrictive clothing because you will be waking at a brisk pace and your arms and legs need to move freely.
In preparation for this assessment you might want to walk laps on the track to get used to pacing yourself and the distance. You can start of small or slow and work your way up.

What is the Walk test and what does it measure?

The one-mile walk test is used as an alternate to the PACER.  The objective is to walk 1 mile as quickly as possible while main­taining a constant walking pace the entire distance. The walk test is an excellent self-assessment skill for everyone to use throughout their lifetime.  The fitness component that we will be looking at today is cardiovascular endurance.  The way we will be testing this is be getting an estimate of your VO2 max.  Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to working muscles and tissues, as well as the ability of those muscles and tissues to utilize that oxygen. It is also known as aerobic capacity. VO2 max is the maximal capacity of an individual’s body to transport and use oxygen during incremental exercise.  It is said to be the best measure of cardiovascular endurance.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My name is Ms. Brooks and I am a physical educator here at Harrison High school. We are part of the Harrison School District located in Hudson County, NJ. Our school is a 9-12 grade school.There are four teachers in our physical education department includig myself.  The district we are in is a smaller district in fact many of our students live within walking distance of the school. I have been teaching here for two years now.